IT Competitions

November 29-December 3, 2021

The 2nd day of the REIGn week celebration were paper presentations for faculty, non-teaching, graduate, and undergraduate categories. The presentation of the researches were made via Zoom platform and was assessed by different evaluators in their specialized fields.

 Matrix of Participants/Coaches


Name Research TitleCategoryPlace
1. Michael A. Sabado, Christian B. Fernandez,  Eugene Brix D. Madronio,  Mark D-R V. Emperador, Joe-aaron B. Castañeda and  Christine Lourrine S. TablatinDevelopment of an online health diagnosis and e-consultation systemStudent Category under the Mathematics, Computing and Information Technology2nd place
2. Caren PacolSentiment analysis of students’ feedback on faculty Online teaching performance using machine learning techniques.Faculty Category1st place


10th IT Skills Olympics of UMak

October 10, 2021

Matrix of Participants/Coaches

Name CategoryCoachPlace
1. Michael A. SabadoWeb DesignArni-rie TamayoWinner
2. Mark Denver AdoraC# ProgrammingRhenel Bernisca, Brian Lapitan2nd runner up
3. Joshua VinoQuiz BeePauline Joy Roa, Michael Acosta, Christine Lourrine TablatinFinalist
4. Joshua Maurice YaacoubJavaPaul Andrew Roa




Standford IT Learning Software Solution

Category: Electrical Electronics Engineering Summit

March 5, 2021

Matrix of Participants

Name TitleCategoryPlace
1. Michael A. SabadoHealth Management Platform to Use For Safe Administration of COVID-19 VaccineStandford IT Learnings Software Solutions: Electrical and Electronics2nd place
2. Reymart De ChavezHealth Management Platform to Use For Safe Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine


32nd National Statistics Month (Regional Level)

Matrix of Participants

Name CategoryCoachPlace
1. Bonifacio M. Salazar Jr.Digital Artwork Making ContestRay Anthony Magat2nd runner up


2019 University and Campus Mid-Year R&D Symposium

The PSU  conducted 2019 Research and Development Symposium on May 31, 2019 at the AVR of Lingayen Campus. The symposium has four categories namely: a. Education, Management and Social Sciences; b. Engineering, Technology, and Computing Sciences; c. Natural and Allied Sciences; and d. Gender and Development. Best Research Paper was also awarded along these areas. Dr. Paulo V. Cenas, VP for Administration, Dr. Arlene Mendoza, Head of the Statistics Center and Dr. Christopher Cocal, outstanding faculty researcher served as panel of evaluators in the said event.

Name Title of ResearchCategoryPlace
University Level
1. Genesis BrionesMotoCare: An Android Based Motrocycle Maintenance AppEngineering, Technology and Computing2nd BEST Paper
2. Keziah Ruth Amado
3. Rodel Selnga
4. Kathleen Roxanne Amado
Campus Level
1. Genesis BrionesMotoCare: An Android Based Motrocycle Maintenance AppEngineering, Technology and ComputingBEST Paper
2. Keziah Ruth Amado
3. Rodel Selnga
4. Kathleen Roxanne Amado

Photo Documentation

Certificates (2019 University and Campus Mid-Year R&D Symposium)

Philippine Innovation Technology Challenge (P.I.T.C.H)

September 2019




1. Genesis Briones

MotoCare: An Android Based Motrocycle Maintenance App

National Finalist